Francas kafka metamorfoze pdf free
Francas kafka metamorfoze pdf free

francas kafka metamorfoze pdf free

Nancy has constantly argued that touch must always be a matter of tact, which is to say, touch must always know when to withdraw itself. Without going into details, let it be said that whenever touch is in question, these thinkers would call for a respect for limits. In that regard, her text stands apart from contemporary theories of touch as proposed by French thinkers such as Jean-Luc Nancy, Luce Irigaray, and Hélène Cixous. As will be shown, Lispector goes far with touch in that text, transgressing limits to the point of even committing violence against an animal other. In this essay, I am concerned with the question of touch in Clarice Lispector’s Passion according to G.H.

Francas kafka metamorfoze pdf free